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Egremont Winter Wonderland Winners 

Thank you to all those school children who took part in the Winter Wonderland competition this year, it was very difficult to choose a winner as they were all so very good and there is a lot of talented artists and writers in our local schools and you should all be very proud of yourselves.


Thank you also to the Heads and the teachers from each school for fitting the competition and the Christmas wishes into your (already busy) curriculum, your support is, as ever, very much appreciated.

Margaret Woodburn Good Citizen Awards 2024

The Margaret Woodburn Good Citizen’s Awards were chosen and recognised at a presentation on Tuesday 15th October.


The Individual Award was given to John Edwards for his 40+ years’ service and dedication to the Royal British Legion and Poppy Appeal. John had been the Standard Bearer at every Remembrance parade and organised the parade before it was passed on to the Town Council and he also ensured all groups etc. had their poppy wreath for the day.


Runners up were:

Lorraine Robertson, Tracy McFadden, Donna Quayle & Helen Dunn


The Group Award was given to Egremont Amateur Boxing Club for their continued hard work and determination and are thriving in the community to provide a safe environment for young people to build up their confidence and use their energy in a positive manner.


Runners up were:

Friends of Egremont Castle

Egremont Bowling Club


All our wonderful volunteers/workers who do so much for Egremont, well done and thank you to you all

Egremont Amateur Boxing Club - Margaret Woodburn Good Citizen Group Winners 

Egremont Town Council recently supported Girlguiding Cumbria North - read their reports to hear what an amazing time was had.

D Day Flag Flying Proudly from Egremont Castle

D Day flag flying proudly in Egremont Castle 

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